
美国国会图书馆 曹守同编译 2015-11-27 16:50:16



















加拿大已经实施NAFTA和GPA的政府采购有关规定。前者并不覆盖次中央实体,加拿大尚未将任何省份加入后者的附录2,以相互为基础把省级实体绑定到GPA协定上。然而报告显示加拿大和美国已经达成协议改变这个状况。在联邦层面,加拿大根据有关联邦政府采购的有关法律要求行事,例外和豁免来自加拿大两个主要国际贸易协定里包含的内容。加拿大没有“购买加拿大货”法案,联邦政府采购通过由 PWGSC执行 ,联邦各部采购价值低于5000加元的货物或服务时例外。

现在加拿大政府采购中出现的主要问题是美国复苏和再投资法案(ARRA)中所包含的“购买美国货”规定。由于加拿大省级和地方采购未曾加入NAFTA规定的范围,也未将任何省份加入GPA的附录2,因而加拿大起初并未从美国ARRA的“购买美国货”规定获得例外优待。加拿大一直在寻求获得例外待遇,包括《国家邮报》和《卡尔加里先驱报》在内的许多新闻机构都报道说,政府努力将很快取得成功。  (资料由国外法律高级专家史蒂芬·F·克拉克提供)


III. Canadian Implementing Legislation

Canada does not have a federal “Buy Canadian Act.”  The limitations on the national treatment provisions allowed for in the AGP and NAFTA are incorporated into Canadian law through the acts implementing those agreements.[52]

IV. Federal Procurement

The Government of Canada reportedly spends about Can$20 billion or approximately US$18.7 billion a year on Goods and Services.[53]  Most goods and services are purchased by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).  Government departments spend up to Can$5000 on goods and can purchase services directly.  For contracts for over Can$5000, they must go through PWGSC.[54]

Provincial governments reportedly spend an almost identical Can$18 billion amount on goods and services.  While access to this market has not been guaranteed by the AGP or NAFTA, this situation may be changing.

Canada uses a Government Electronic Tendering Service through MERX for most contracts for goods and services valued at Can$25,000 or more, most construction and leasing services worth Can$100,000 or more, and most architectural and engineering consulting services worth Can$76,500 or more.  MERX is a subsidiary of Mediagrif Interactive Technologies, which also provides information on U.S. tenders.[55]

PWGSC buys goods and services using contracts, standing offers, and supply arrangements.  The Government of Canada has explained how these three methods are employed in the following terms:


Contracts between PWGSC and its suppliers contain a pre-defined requirement or scope of work, and set terms and conditions including pre-determined quantities, prices or pricing basis, and delivery date.  A contract is the best method of supply when the requirement is customized and unique to one government department.[!]

Sometimes, for contracts for services only, when the Government is unable to define the precise nature and timing of a service in advance, PWGSC includes a provision for “task authorizations.”  A task authorization is a structured administrative process to authorize work by a supplier on an “as and when requested” basis in accordance with the terms and conditions of an existing contract.  In other words, when the services are eventually required, the Government issues a task authorization to the supplier.  This task authorization identifies the scope of the services, the timing, and any specific instructions (such as expenditure reporting based on pre-established financial limits). Examples of services where task authorization contracts might be considered appropriate are professional services for translation, informatics professional services, and some types of repair and overhaul services.

Standing Offers

Standing offers are the preferred method of supply when one or many government departments repeatedly order the same goods or services, which are readily available, or when the actual demand (i.e. quantity, delivery date) is not known in advance.  Standing offers are put in place, for a specific period of time with pre-qualified suppliers who have met the technical criteria, and include set terms and conditions, which cannot be further negotiated.

Standing offers save the Government time and money, as a separate process does not need to be conducted for each purchase and prices are often reduced due to volume discounts.  The Government is not obliged to purchase any goods or services until a need arises, at which time a contract is put in place.  Items bought through this method of supply include food, fuel, pharmaceutical supplies, spare parts, paper supplies, office equipment, and some professional services.

Supply Arrangements

Supply arrangements, like standing offers, are put in place for goods or services that are purchased on a regular basis from pre-qualified suppliers but the Government is not obliged to purchase any goods or services until a need arises, at which time a contract is put in place.

However, although supply arrangements include some set terms and conditions that will apply to any subsequent contracts, not all are predetermined.  For example, prices, pricing basis or terms and conditions for hazardous waste disposal or cleanup may be further negotiated based on the actual requirement or scope of work.  PWGSC routinely purchases IM/IT professional services using this method of supply.[56]

PWGSC has published a guide for doing business with the Government of Canada.  This guide utilizes a five-step approach for small and medium businesses.[57]

V. Concluding Remarks

Canada has implemented the government procurement provisions of NAFTA and the AGP.  The former does not cover subcentral entities and Canada has not yet added any provinces to Annex II of the latter so as to bind the provinces to it on a reciprocal basis.  However, Canada and the United States have reportedly reached a deal that could change this situation.  On the federal level, Canada has followed the legal requirements respecting federal government procurement, and the exceptions and exemptions its laws allow for are those contained in Canada’s two major international trade agreements.  Canada does not have a “Buy Canada” Act.  Federal government procurement is generally handled by PWGSC.  Exceptions exist for departmental purchases of goods valued at less than Can$5000 and purchases of services.

The major issue in government procurement in Canada today arises out of the inclusion of “Buy American” provisions contained in the ARRA.  Because provincial and municipal procurement is not covered by NAFTA and Canada did not add any provinces to Annex II of the AGP, it was not initially given a waiver from the “Buy American” provisions of the ARRA.  The Government of Canada has been seeking a waiver for the past eight months, and the National Post and Calgary Herald are two of a number of news organizations that have recently reported that the government’s efforts may soon be successful.[!]

Prepared by Stephen F. Clarke
Senior Foreign Law Specialist



